EPS 27- Powerful Release, Black mirror reality vs Earth Reality, Minorities and Drugs, Plant medicine, Sexual energy
Hello loves! Welcome back to the Podcast!
This episode is a POWERFUL Release for me and felt so good saying all of these words. Are you living in the black mirror reality or are you living in the Earth plane?
I go into my experience of almost doing a survival nature immersion and how I was turned off my them wearing masks outside. My view on wearing masks in nature.
I discuss drug history and facts I have learned on substances and the regulatory patterns of the FDA.
The schedule of Drugs- take a look at Schedule 1 and Schedule 5. Notice how the ones with the strictest regulations are those used by Native Americans or PLANT medicine. Interestingly, Heroin is schedule 1 when it is the same category at Opioids..Which are given by doctors and often cause individuals become addicted to the point of needing heroin to fulfill the neurochemical imbalance that the prescription drugs gave them.
In the 80’s the laws on Cocaine were different depending on the way the substance was used. Crack cocaine vs powder cocaine 5 grams of crack cocaine was 5 years prison while 500 grams of powder cocaine was the same prison sentence. Crack cocaine was used by African Americans and those of lower SES while powder cocaine was snorted by men on wall streets. The laws around cocaine use target those of color and those of lower SES.
Amphetamines- Methamphetamine & Aderall - Methamphetamine has an extra methyl group, a substance formed from three hydrogen atoms and one carbon atom.
1936-7 Reefer Madness and targeting hispanics with Marijuana
Past podcasts on drugs:
Reefer Maddness-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reefer_Madness
Links to other resources on the shot:
VAERS- https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/ensuringsafety/monitoring/vaers/index.html
DNA and the impact of Free radicals (blue light, Radiation)
I talk about my spiritual journey and connecting with some spirit energy. My journey this experience with connecting with older men- wisdom.
Love others and have an open mind.
Connect with me :)
Instagram: @livingwild.me
Youtube- Living Wild With Em
Website- www.livingwild.me
Email- Livingwild.me@gmail.com